Archive | Thursday, February 2nd, 2012


Day 33 Project 365

It would seem as if one by one we are being over taken by this bug that is going around.  Some homemade chicken soup and bread and lots of rest.  Not an instant cure but comforting nonetheless.  For as bad as I am feeling my poor son and husband are far worse.  My heart aches when my family is sick. I try to nurse them back to health the best ways I know how and make them as comfortable as possible.  I was laying here in bed this morning working on some photos for work and trying to find just the right position so my head would stop feeling like it would explode and all the while praying for my sick family.  I love them so much and I hate that I can’t stop things from happening to them.  I can scrub my house and make sure everything is clean and germ free only so much.  Yet there are going to be things that attack them and hurt them that I can not control.  However there is reassurance in the fact that as much as I love them my heavenly Father loves them even more.

Father God I thank you that you see what we can not see and that nothing that is allowed to touch our lives has not been through your hands. I thank you for healing and as that you touch my household today!

I am resting today and doing what I can.  I know my energy will come and go.  I am also resting in the fact that my family is in His hands.  That as my oldest heads to the doctor she will help him.  I can trust that God has it all under control.  That He makes a way and that He is the safest place to rest.